Nepal Delegation Visited IGGE & ICGG
At the invitation of the UNESCO International Centre on Global-Scale Geochemistry (ICGG), a Nepalese delegation of 5 geoscientists, headed by Dr. Soma Nath Sapkota, Director-General of the Department of Mines and Geology, Nepal visited IGGE and ICGG on February 27, 2019.
Dr. Hao Guojie, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration (IGGE), CGS and ICGG, briefly introduced IGGE to the Nepalese delegation, especially in the fields of geophysical and geochemical exploration, which cover the theory and methodology research, equipment research and development, geochemical reference materials development, scientific achievement application and transformation, international cooperation. Dr.Wang Xueqiu, Deputy Chief Scientist of IGGE, Executive Director of ICGG made an introduction on “Chemical Earth”, the international scientific program initiated by ICGG. He sincerely invited the Nepal side to take part in the program and jointly implement the program in Nepal.
Dr. Sama Nath Sapkota, Director of the Department of Mines and Geology, made a basic introduction of the Department of Mines and Geology, Nepal. He showed his support for “Chemical Earth” and looked forward to joining the program as soon as possible. He hoped that the two sides could cooperate more in the future in geophysical and geochemical exploration.
During the visit, the delegation also visited the Geo-analytical Laboratory, the Key Laboratory of Geophysical Electromagnetic Detection Technology of IGGE, and the Exhibition Room of ICGG.
Staff from the Division of International Programme of China Geological Survey, Chengdu Center of China Geological Survey, Division of Science and Technology of IGGE and ICGG Secratariat also took part in the activities.
Author: Wang Lijun, Huyan Yuying, Wu Qiong
Dr. Wang gave the presentation