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On October 29th, 2020, entrusted by the Headquarter of Saudi Geological Exploration Project of China Geological Survey, Dr. Yao Wensheng of ICGG participated in the “5@5 Webinar” hosted by "Mines and Money", the internationally renowned mining investment and promotion platform, to promote the Geochemical Exploration Project of Saudi Arabia Shield undertook by China Geological Survey through bid winning to mining industry of the world.

“Mines and Money” is the number one international event series for capital-raising and mining investment. 5@5 is of the series of events hosted by “Mines and Money” which connects the global industry. It runs events at 5pm from different locations each week accordingly. Every Thursday it organizes a virtual networking session and invites 5 key players to the mining investment community for market commentary and project updates.

This session of webinar was hosted by Saudi Geological Survey with the aim to promote the series of geological exploration projects of the Saudi Arabian Shield to the global mining industry, so as to expand its international influence, activate the mining industry of Saudi Arabia and serve the “Vision 2030” of the Kingdom. During the meeting, expert from ICGG introduced the development and achievements of the theories and technologies of exploration geochemistry of China and casted views on future prospects of geological exploration projects of the Arabian Shield, as well as its significance to mineral exploration. Through the discussion, ICGG expert also responded to the technical questions each party was intersted in.

Mr. Khalid S. Al-Mudaifer, Vice Minister of the Industry and Mineral Resources, President of Saudi Geological Survey and 5 Invited Experts Attending the Webinar

Experts and Participants of the Webinar